
001 2012/11/26(月) 04:54:00 ID:ZLyDM0kcbI

やっぱりSFは最高だ、SF映画の強烈なシーンを100個以上つないだリミックス動画「Science Fiction: A Supercut」



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016 2012/11/30(金) 05:23:23 ID:7CTyzM8HLE
List for everyone, fill in any I have missed with a comment:

E.T., District 9, Tron: Legacy, Tron, Star Wars Episode 1, 2001: A Space Odyssey,
Terminator Salvation, Watchmen, Wall-E, Battle: Los Angeles, King Kong,
A Trip to the Moon, Star Trek (2009), Blade Runner, A.I. Artificial Intelligence,
Looper, The Matrix, Avatar, Transformers (all three, I think), Back to the Future,
Thor, Metropolis, The Abyss, I-Robot, Children Of Men, Men In Black, Alien,
John Carter, V for Vendetta, The Prototype.

Second Part of list: Robocop, The Avengers, Independence Day, Rise of the Planet of the Apes,
Dredd, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Mad Max, Speed Racer,
Inception, War of the Worlds (Newer One), Iron Man, Jurassic Park, The Fifth Element,
Star Wars (Original Trilogy), Super 8, Moon, Sunshine,Prometheus, 2012, Apollo 13,
Cloud Atlas, Cloverfield, King Kong (Original), Waterworld,
The Day the Earth Stood Still (Newer), Terminator 2, Brazil, Cowboys vs Aliens

lappy744 8 hours ago 14

Third Part: The Hunger Games, Real Steel, Total Recall (New), Iron Man 3,
X-Men First Class, Minority Report, The Island, Serenity, Total Recall (Original),
The Day the Earth Stood Still (Original), Close Encounters of the Third Kind,
The Day After Tomorrow, Man of Steel, I Am Legend, Primer, Aeon Flux.
Done most of this from memory so is there will be some missing,
Thumbs up so people can see all parts. Thanks :)

lappy744 8 hours ago 14


017 2012/11/30(金) 09:19:12 ID:K2RRQx0lgg


018 2012/11/30(金) 23:35:26 ID:pofvntDvM.
Cloud Atlasわからん



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